Thursday, August 19, 2010


At the PubCo office, I sit opposite a bank of windows that look out onto some trees and the mountain range that blocks us from the ocean. I'm almost happy that I don't sit directly at the window, because I know I would spend all day staring out the window dreaming up recipes and bakery decor ideas and the ads I would place in local newspapers and magazines. As it is now, I have to turn my head to look out the window and if I do it for too long, I get a crick in my neck.

Today, after dealing with a morning of flickering fluorescent light bulbs, two of the three bulbs in the unit above my desk burnt out. It is, all of a sudden, very dark and cave-like in my cubicle. I feel a little like Milton from Office Space, when he was told to move into the basement. The two desk laps I already have on my desk aren't helping, and neither is the light from the windows.

It's made me think about some ideas for what I want my bakery to look like. Definitely bright, with a lot of windows. Maybe some plants in pots around the interior and leading the way inside. Photos and art on the walls, and old bells on the front door to let me know that people have arrived and need serving. Natural colors - blues, greens, with white accents. No gray - it will make me think of the cubicle world I currently live in and am looking forward to leaving!

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About Me

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An ex-acquisitions editor at a publishing company making the great move from the corporate world to small business ownership. More specifically, a small bakery specializing in savory foods. Heading to culinary school, working on a business plan, shoring up the courage to do it, and looking for ideas, inspiration, and advice!