Monday, September 27, 2010


Autumn has arrived in name, but not yet in spirit. Since the first day of fall, we've had triple-digit days and more heat than we saw all summer. No cooling down and no need for light sweaters since it's hot enough to still consider a beach day a serious option for a Saturday.

But it HAS arrived in small, sneaky ways. The pumpkin patch on the side of the freeway has put out its bales of hay and its jack o'lantern decorated sign announcing its arrival. The pumpkins have only just made themselves visible, and I was pleasantly surprised last week when I caught sight of them out of the corner of my eye driving down the freeway. Leaves on a few trees here and there are changing color, people are setting out their Halloween decorations, and the coffee shops are offering their pumpkin-related drinks and snacks.

I'm most excited that autumn has arrived in the food world. Cans of pumpkin puree are stacked in tall, precarious formations at every grocery store. Squash and dark greens are taking up more space in the produce section. Tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocados are in lesser supply through my CSA box - instead, I'm being offered squash, potatoes, and pomegranates.

It's so exciting to me, because it means that the food we make, and the food we're drawn to, changes along with the season, even if it is still 105F outside. It means that it's time to get creative with apples, pears, and pumpkins - instead of the peaches and berries of summer. It's time for stews, soups, and chilis instead of crisp salads. And it's time for some very rich flavors - cinnamon, nutmeg, maple syrup, and caramel.

I'm looking forward to this season's food, and I'm looking forward to sharing some of what I make with you. But for now, here are a few recipes that are inspiring me as we head into autumn:

Blue Cheese and Red Potato Tart
Chili with Chicken and Beans
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread
Granola (recipe at the end of the blog post, and really, do add the coconut, which is great)
Apple Cake in an Iron Skillet


  1. Okay, so not necessarily a fall food, but if you are feeling experimental Ms. Savoring, I would like to request that you try out this recipe and I be your guinea pig. That'd be a good song..."I'll be your guinea pig."

  2. I just bought some limoncello to try this recipe out! Thanks for the suggestion, and there should be samples coming your way!


About Me

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An ex-acquisitions editor at a publishing company making the great move from the corporate world to small business ownership. More specifically, a small bakery specializing in savory foods. Heading to culinary school, working on a business plan, shoring up the courage to do it, and looking for ideas, inspiration, and advice!